Editor: Nicola Trezzi
Published by
Mousse Publishing
112 pages
25 x 30 cm
ISBN 9788867496518
Price: 155 lei
This book brings together the vast production of the Romanian artist Radu Comșa (b. 1975). The idea of “painting overall,” or “expanded painting,” provides a key to understanding his work. Incorporating divagations, extractions, and references, Comșa’s “transcriptions” (from one material to another, from one shape to another, from one conceptual frame to another) refer to the art object as a form of intellectual replica of the artist’s own design of thoughts. His diagrammatic transcriptions (plates of cast concrete or mixed-media painting-objects informed by his interest in modernist architecture, concrete poetry, and atonal music) operate as visual morphemes expected to collide and further release extra meaning.
Conversation with Nicola Trezzi.
Texts by Bogdan Iacob and Tea Vindt.