512 pages
21 x 26.5 cm
ISBN 9772783568800
Price: 92 lei
The * as a Journal is intended for readers of the world interested in modern culture. It is an exceptional space of cultural cooperation, where creators, curators and researchers from Lithuania and various foreign countries meet collectively to reflect on topical topics, and readers are invited to look at them from unexpected cultural perspectives.
The new issue of the cultural magazine, Cosmos as a Journal, is dedicated to the space theme. The recently published Cosmos as a Journal was composed by Julijonas Urbonas , an artist, the founder of the Lithuanian Space Agency, and the author of the Lithuanian National Pavilion at the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale . Another 18 artists, researchers, curators and journalists from Lithuania, the USA, France and Germany became co-authors of this issue.
J. Urbonas tells readers about the Lithuanian Space Agency and the project "Planet from the People" implemented at the Venice Architecture Biennale, and also talks with the composer and sound artist Gaile Griciūtė about the creation of an opera-installation "Honey, Moon!" Daniel Gilfilan, a professor at the University of Arizona and a researcher of the world of the future, ponders the sounds of space and invites you to listen to a singing comet. Philosopher, author of popular science articles Daniel Oberhaus discusses extraterrestrial communication. If another civilization appeals to us, will we understand?
Choreographer and dance researcher Kitsou Dubois, whose works range from stage productions to video installations and hybrid projects, talks to curator-writer Rob La Frenais about choreography in weightlessness. EXO-MOAN studio co-founders Akvilė Terminatė and Eleonora S. Armstrong discuss gravity and interplanetary sex through design.
Science journalist Goda Raibytė and photographer Visvaldas Morkevičius present an interview with astrobotanist Danguole Švegždienė, who and the team were the first in the world to grow a plant from seed to seed - the white-flowered ryegrass. "I look at the night sky and think about what's going on there," she says. Dovilė Racėnaitė, an ethnologist and researcher of Lithuanian folklore, Baltic religion and mythology, raises her eyes to space from the perspective of Lithuanian mythology.
Various cuts in space culture are complemented by reproductions of works by Audrius Bučas and Valdas Ozarinskas, MK Čiurlionis, Aleksandras Griškevičius, Pakui Hardware, K. Simonavičius, other artists and 8 cosmic works of art.
There will be something to read for lovers of fantastic literature as well. The essay, Otherworldly Journeys, is published in 2014 by Nahum, a Mexican artist in Berlin and founder of the KOSMICA Institute. awarded the Young Space Leader and Karman Fellowship for cultural contributions to astronautics and space exploration. Architect, urban planner Fred Scharmen shares the astronomical-biographical fiction "Whale Space, or, The Killers in Eden" specially created by * as a Journal. According to the author, most of the strange events he described really happened.
Jane Levi, a food historian and researcher at utopias at the Royal College of Art in London, looks at the evolution and culture of eating in space. And anthropologist Claire Isabel Webb, who researches the history of the search for extraterrestrial life at the University of Southern California, talks about how the smells associated with space affect how we imagine outer space itself. CI Webb's article is accompanied by an unexpected souvenir for readers - the smell of space created by Milda Dainovskytė, a curator of contemporary art.