Edited by INLAND /
Fernando Garcia Dory,
Lucia Pietroiusti,
Karen Barad,
Marisol de la Cadena,
Elvira Dyangani Ose
Published by
Koenig Books
252 pages
13.5 x 21 cm
ISBN 978-3-7533-0386-4
Price: 140 lei
Researching across disciplines, Microhabitable considers scale, as well as questions of habitability and self-organisation, in a de-anthropocentric, or morethan- human, framework. What methodologies and strategies might those anthropological, political and scientific discourses that deal with the microscopic, the micropolitical and the microeconomic have to share with one another? Microhabitable's authors suggest methodologies of encounter and exchange between differential knowledges, be they subaltern, peasant, indigenous, vegetal, matriarchal or post/ nonhuman.
Contributions by: Yona Friedman, Scott F. Gilbert, Elaine Gan, Fernando GarcĂa Dory, Lucia Pietroiusti, Elizabeth Povinelli, Filipa Ramos, Jenna Sutela, Anna Tsing, Elvia Wilk.